UNIT 1 Activity 1: Reflection Paper Writing and Publishing

Developing a strong character is a hard thing to do. People nowadays have not develop their strong character because they are already contented in what character they have right now, by developing strong character it requires patience and lot of time to acquire it. Developing strong character means of being a good citizen in the community . In developing strong character it needs to learn to be humble, to keep ourselves low in every situation, we should also be accountable and approachable in every way. Developing strong character is disciplining oneself in everything in order to aquire strong character. When we talk about strong character it's a way of learning or knowing the right/good thing to do or to act  in every situation. Strong character is not easy to acquire because it need experience , hurts, pain and etc, in order for us to grow more and to learn to determine what is right and wrong. It has a lot of struggle , challenges, circumstances and problems before acquiring a strong character. To begin with the word struggle , struggle helps us to learn to manage and etc.  While challenges helps us to be strong  and in addition circumstances helps us to build our character, to end with the word problems this will helps us to be creative because problem solving acquire to be creative in everything. Through this , it will helps us to learn or to acquire a strong character because of the experience. Experience matters the most in acquiring strong character. 


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